Tag Archives: meringue pie

Old Fashion Pie Recipes: Lemon With Meringue and Mom Wilburn’s Chocolate Meringue

11320770791_random-madis262.jpgRemember those delicious pies when you visited grandmother’s house as a kid? Bring that taste to your own dinner table and share your memories with your own kids. Here are old fashion pie recipes from my vintage collection that are sure to bring back mouth-watering memories. Pick your favorite or try them both; Lemon Pie with Meringue or Mom Wilburn’s Chocolate Meringue Pie.

This recipe was from the mother of the Country Music Duo and Grand Old Opry stars, “The Wilburn Brothers”. She said it was the pie she baked most often when they were boys growing up in Missouri.

1 cup sugar
4 tbsp. cocoa, level
4 tbsp. flour, level
Yolks of 3 large eggs save whites for meringue
1/4 stick butter or margarine
1 1/4 cups sweet milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 9″ pie shell, baked

Combine the sugar, cocoa, flour, and 1/4 cup of the milk; mix well. Add the egg yolks and remaining milk, butter and vanilla. Cook in a double boiler until thick. Pour into the baked pie shell. Cover with the meringue topping listed below.

For the Meringue Topping:

3 large egg whites
1/4 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 tbsp. sugar

Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the vanilla and 1/2 tablespoon of the sugar. Continue to beat. Gradually beat in the remaining sugar. Pile the meringue on the pie, spreading all the way to the crust to seal the edges. Bake in a 300 degree oven until the meringue is browned, about 8 to 10 minutes.

Lemon Pie with Meringue
This recipe is a clipping from an old women’s magazine.

1 lightly baked pie crust shell
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/3 cup cornstarch
1 1/2 cups lukewarm water
Yolks of 5 large eggs, reserve whites for meringue
1 tbsp grated lemon zest
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tbsps cold butter, cut into small pieces

In a 2-quart saucepan, mix sugar with cornstarch. Use a wire whisk to stir in 1 1/2 cups lukewarm water, egg yolks and lemon juice. Bring mixture to a gentle boil while stirring. Boil and stir for approximately 1 minute until translucent and thick. Remove from heat, stir in the zest and butter until butter is melted and blended in. Pour into the lightly prebaked crust. Make meringue and top pie.


Whites from the 5 large eggs used in pie
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
3/4 cup sugar

Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl on low speed of electric mixer until they form soft peaks. Increase speed to medium-high and add sugar, a little at a time, beating just until stiff peaks form. Spoon meringue over the lemon filling and spread to the edges sealing to pie crust. Make decorative swirls in meringue. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees until browned. Cool completely. Refrigerate until serving time. Leftovers should also be refrigerated.
