Tag Archives: dessert

Bake a Cake This Halloween!

01320770465_p6021123.jpgIf you are having a Halloween party this year, you might want some other dessert besides fun sized candy bars. A Halloween cake makes a great dessert, and can also be a fun centerpiece on your dinner table while the meal is being served. Here are two creative Halloween cakes that you can try on your own. Don’t feel pressured to limit yourselves to these – you can always create your own Halloween dessert masterpieces.

The Happy Pumpkin

You can easily turn your everyday cake mix into a pumpkin creation with the help of bunt pans and decorative icing.

Take 3 boxes of your favorite white or yellow cake mix, and mix according to package decorations. Pour the batter into two bunt pans, and bake according to package decorations. Allow the cakes to cool completely and remove from the pan.

While you are waiting for the cakes to cool, empty three cans of vanilla frosting into a mixing bowl.

Wedding Cake Ideas – Princess Cake

I cannot recall the exact time of the first time I watched Cinderella but I still remember covering my face with my mom’s sofa pillows as I gazed Cinderella kissing the prince in front of their fabulous wedding cake as the narrator said “…and they lived happily ever after” through the pillows edges. As I grow up, I still remember the feeling I hope I will be getting: the feeling I got when I watched the romantic cartoon. This maybe is embarrassing but true. I believe most girls in the world carry the dream of being a cartoon princess and live happily ever after in their marriage life with their prince charming in their hearts. 10 Benefits to Halloween Fun

Many people see Halloween as a time of fun, costumes and candy. Others see it as a way to honor the dead relatives that have passed or celebrate the coming of fall and winter. No matter what you think of Halloween, there are some benefits that celebrating this holiday can offer you. Here is a look at just some Make Your Wedding Cake Unique with Monogram Cake Toppers

Weddings are all about the couple. It’s not just the bride’s but the groom’s special day as well. Months of preparation and seemingly frivolous shopping for fabrics, venues, accessories and decorations to use in a ceremony that lasts only a few hours at the most is intended to serve a greater purpose – to build a remarkable and wonderful set of memories for this happy occasion. Johnny Cakes

NATIVE BELIZEAN JOHNNY CAKES Belizean food is easy to prepare, physically filling and delightfully delicious. How about a dish of Johnny Cakes? Johnny Cakes are a favored breakfast dish in Belize. JohIf you are pretty practiced with cake decorating, 2 may be enough, but three cans will allow extra to work out unevenness and fingerprints. Add red and yellow food coloring to the frosting, stirring until the frosting becomes the desired orange color for your pumpkin. Frost the flat side of the bunt cakes, and then stack on top of each other to create your pumpkin shape. Then continue to frost the sides of the cake until you have an orange pumpkin.

If you would like to turn your pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern, simply use some black icing to draw your eyes, nose, and a mouth. You can also consider decorating a small cupcake with brown or green icing to create a stem. If you are very practiced in cake decorating, consider some pumpkin vines down the sides and back.
Your company is sure to be impressed.

The Creepy Spider web

If you want something a little spookier for your Halloween party, consider a creepy spider web cake. A little frosting and a chocolate muffin can help you make this creepy cake.

Take one box of your favorite chocolate cake mix and mix it according to the package decorations. Bake in two round pans and allow cooling completely.

While the cakes are cooling, scoop 2 cans of vanilla frosting into a large mixing bowl. Combine yellow and blue food coloring (or yellow and green) until you come up with a spooky green color. Spread a layer between the two cakes, and the cover the rest of the cake with frosting.

Draw a spider web on the top of the cake using black icing. You can start by drawing lines straight across as though the cake was a clock – from12 to 6, 1 to 7, 2 to 8, etc. Then starting at the center of the cake, draw larger circles working their way outwards until the web is complete.

Take a chocolate muffin or cupcake and cut of the “stem” so you are left with the top. Frost the entire thing with chocolate frosting and then roll in chocolate sprinkles. Set onto the “web” and attach small pieces of black string licorice to be the legs.

If you would like to get even more creative, you can extend your web down the sides of the cake, and draw on bugs using different colored icing.

With a few cake decorating skills and some creativity, you too can create spooky Halloween desserts.