Hi Everyone! Chocolate chip cookies is everyone’s favorite cookie which is also an awesome gift to give for Christmas. Here is a simple recipe of Chocolate Chip Cookies with White Chocolate Chips! THANK YOU for watching! Like & Subscribe! INGREDIENTS 1 cup of butter softened 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 teapsoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoon hot water 3 cups all purpose flour 2 cups chocolate chips RECIPE simplybakings.blogspot.com SONG: The First Noel MUSIC ARRANGED BY Leon Solanky CINEMATOGRAPHY & EDIT Elson lucridaproductions.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Christmas Cookies Recipes here: www.joyofbaking.com Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com talks about the different ways to package cookies to give as Christmas gifts to your friends, family and co-workers. We welcome comments on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com
aww thank you! 🙂
thank you! my brother edited & filmed this episode for me 🙂
yummy!!! i love white chocolate!! 🙂
I love holiday videos!!! <3 :3 ^___^
awww, THANK YOU for stopping by 🙂 let me know how the cookies turn out for you 🙂
You’re a great baker. Thanks for inviting me to subscribe to your channel. I love cooking. I can’t wait to try this recipe.
awesome! I’m glad you enjoyed the cookies! 🙂 You can wait or the cookies to come to room temperature or pop it in the microwave to defrost, hope this helps. 🙂
This was amazing, the cookies turned out better than I ever expected! Love this recipe so much! And I have 2 more batches in the freezer but when I want to cook them, do I bake them from frozen or wait for them to defrost? Thanks for the amazing cookies! Mia xxo
yup, :)
hey girl can i use ready mix red-velvet box??
Mmm, I just made this and they are so yummy! I decided to use all white chocolate though. 🙂
This is such a cute video!! The cookies look so yummy!!! Definatelly subscribing!
I like the editing
Hi! I am a new beauty guru on YouTube, and it would mean the world to me if you would check out my channel and subscribe! 🙂
it was very yummy! You should try it! 🙂
It looks really Yummy xx
awww, thanks girly. 🙂
LOVE THIS!!! I think you wrote a comment on one of my videos! Sorry i didnt reply and I deleted all my old videos! :-(( I havent been on my channel for a while but I subbed your channel!! hope you sub to mine and we can learn alot from eachother and swap recipes! LOTS OF LOVE YOU YOU <3 and yes I did paint that wall art on my dining room wall lol :-))
thanks for the reply!=D
you can either make it the size of a golf ball or a ping pong ball
for this pan, yes.
also did you grease your cookie pan?
how big should each cookie ball be?
haha, i have allergies year round
Very good ♡
Happy 2013 🙂
Hope u have a nice year
i don’t think she’s old enough 😉
Happy New Year.
I found this video very helpful! Thank you very much for sharing these ideas. I wouldn’t know what to store my cookies in. I am thinking about baking your cherry blossom cookies and sending it to a love one in a different state 🙂 Happy Holidays.
awesome ideas!
doggie at the back XD
great video!
i love your doggy looking out the window :)!!
A great Christmas cookie packaging and wrapping tutorial. Thanks!
Can u be my grandmother? Pleeeaaase? 😀
a dog in the back !!!!!!!!!!!
We love your comments however due to our busy schedule questions on the recipes may take some time. We check our Facebook page more often so if you would like a quicker answer post your question there. A link to our Facebook page is in the description above.