After watching half an hours worth of pretty bad (or annoying) videos on how to weave a lattice crust this one shows how to do it in a way that is easy to understand.
Betty, you are amazing. after looking at many videos, i have chosen to make my pies with your technique. I have baked many things but never a pie. your video has given me the confidence and courage to do this. Thanks again.
I will make pumpkin and also apple. I love to do every thing by scratch but may just buy the same dough you bought.
Great Video. Definitely the easiest tutorial to understand here on youtube. I tried watching other “Lattice-How To” videos and they only confused me. Thanks!
thankyou SO much for this video.. most other “how to lattice” videos show the very complicated method that starts at the corner. this way is sooo much better. that was a very pretty pie!
Great video and explanation to make a lovely pie crust! These open lattice pie crusts look especially nice when the fruit of the pie is a dramatically different color from the crust, like a strawberry-rhubarb pie or cherry pie or even blueberry. You do such a good job of demonstrating and explaining — very smooth — you are a joy to watch! — Goro
I voted for you on the Oprah thing but you should put the voting link in the description so people can just click on it. It just makes it easier and makes it more likely that people will see it and vote.
I don`t know if you know but alot of people from england watch you cooking but we wish you would also give things out like you use cups well I have to keep looking this up and if I am trying to do the thing at the same time as watching you I always muck up the keys or mouse. I have been told that a cup size in the south is not the same as in the north. but I do love you cooking thank you . . . .
I have made a few pumpkin, sweet potato, apple pies. I have never done this. My late great MOMMA used to make pies like this. So feminine and lovely, delicate . brings back memories. Thank ou Betty.
I actually meant to have that as a quick tip on this pie, but I got too busy. What I do is beat an egg yolk and add some milk, and then brush that on the top of the pie crust. It makes a nice, shiny brown look–great idea!
–Betty 🙂
I think if you will watch and pause continually, you will understand the technique. You can even practice with strips of paper. I probably won’t have another Quick Tip on this topic, but you can search the internet for lattice pie crust. Thanks for your comment!
–Betty 🙂
this is MUCH simpler than all of the other videos i watched today. thanks!!
After watching half an hours worth of pretty bad (or annoying) videos on how to weave a lattice crust this one shows how to do it in a way that is easy to understand.
your so adorable!
Betty, you are amazing. after looking at many videos, i have chosen to make my pies with your technique. I have baked many things but never a pie. your video has given me the confidence and courage to do this. Thanks again.
I will make pumpkin and also apple. I love to do every thing by scratch but may just buy the same dough you bought.
Great Video. Definitely the easiest tutorial to understand here on youtube. I tried watching other “Lattice-How To” videos and they only confused me. Thanks!
thankyou SO much for this video.. most other “how to lattice” videos show the very complicated method that starts at the corner. this way is sooo much better. that was a very pretty pie!
Hi! Rice pudding is already on my list of things to make. I hope I get to it before long! Thanks for your lovely comment!
–Betty 🙂
Hey Betty
I love all your recipes! Great explanantion 🙂
Could you please make a rice pudding recipe!
Thank you
Great video and explanation to make a lovely pie crust! These open lattice pie crusts look especially nice when the fruit of the pie is a dramatically different color from the crust, like a strawberry-rhubarb pie or cherry pie or even blueberry. You do such a good job of demonstrating and explaining — very smooth — you are a joy to watch! — Goro
I voted for you on the Oprah thing but you should put the voting link in the description so people can just click on it. It just makes it easier and makes it more likely that people will see it and vote.
I don`t know if you know but alot of people from england watch you cooking but we wish you would also give things out like you use cups well I have to keep looking this up and if I am trying to do the thing at the same time as watching you I always muck up the keys or mouse. I have been told that a cup size in the south is not the same as in the north. but I do love you cooking thank you . . . .
Lattice crusts always look so pretty. Thanks for sharing Betty!
I have made a few pumpkin, sweet potato, apple pies. I have never done this. My late great MOMMA used to make pies like this. So feminine and lovely, delicate . brings back memories. Thank ou Betty.
I actually meant to have that as a quick tip on this pie, but I got too busy. What I do is beat an egg yolk and add some milk, and then brush that on the top of the pie crust. It makes a nice, shiny brown look–great idea!
–Betty 🙂
it’s perfect! it’s not confusing at all I don’t know what Chick8526 is talking about!
that was amazingly simple… just loved your demonstration betty.. I love your cooking.. iv learned so much from u. thankyou so much :) hugs.
I don’t think you could have done a better job explaining.
look up weaving. like kids crafts. Its not difficult.
great video! like how I do the bacon torpedo lattice! Look gooood and very informative!
I think if you will watch and pause continually, you will understand the technique. You can even practice with strips of paper. I probably won’t have another Quick Tip on this topic, but you can search the internet for lattice pie crust. Thanks for your comment!
–Betty 🙂
this looks so confusing for me is there a more detailed video you can do
Good teaching video, thanks!
looks simple enough..i will try it. you got me wanting to cook more thanx haha 😉
oh and i voted for you on oprah so good luck!
Is’nt this just absolutely fantastic!!!! Creative cooking is always the first to vanish from the table!! You are amazingly talented Betty.
Awesome video…it’s like a puzzle =D